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The general process of getting a tattoo is
  • Selecting the artist of your choice, make sure to familiarize yourself with the artist style and work.
  • Providing reference photos and a clear idea of what you expect from your tattoo.
  • Confirming a date and time as well as price range for the tattoo. Price ranges allow for flexibility in case you decide last minute to go bigger or smaller than originally anticipated. A non-refundable deposit is also required to secure your spot.
  • With the technology made available to Artists, artistic agility is at an all time high. It is NOT uncommon for the artist to draw your tattoo the night before or even the day of your appointment vs weeks or months in advance. As Tattooers, we are only creating guidelines we intend to use for ourselves in the tattoo. At the beginning of your appointment you will review the design with the artist and any changes that need to be made will be done so in person together – in the moment.
  • Once the design is cleared by you and the artist a stencil is applied to your skin, allowed time to dry, and then the tattoo process will begin.